Nervous habits and naughty rabbits..
Well this is a new and exciting path into the world of wierdness and whatnot... Anyway i kept noticing peoples wierd little habits today and it was quite amusing, seeing as my english lit lesson was lacking excitment. Firstly was the habit i would like to call "biting my fingernails until they wear down to my fingers" this basically involves the person biting there fingernails so much that they really will start biting off there fingers. However it was nearing lunchtime and they had already complained about there hungryness to the entire class so i guess we can let them off for that one. Next is the habit i like to call "the shaky leg" well theres a hint in the title if you hadn't of guessed. This seems to be a popular habit amoungst the English literaure group as three people were doing this at the same time, and at one point they had managed to synchronise there movements. Bravo. I really wanted to giggle at that point but the room was silent and i would have looked like a fool but still.. And why is it that things are at there most funniest when no one else is laughing or your in a silent place like assembly or exams. Following on from the Shaky leg we travel upwards to the 'tappy hands' this type of movement involves the person to randomly tap the talbe with there hands in a rythmical pattern. But anyway that about sums up my day.. I don't have anything to report on the naughty rabbit it was just an nice easy rhyming word that matched habits...