Dysfunctional Jaw Syndrome...
So the other day i was talking to my dear friend laura, and she informed me that her jaw was feeling rather wierd. So this made me think about my recent diagnosois. I woke up one morning to find my jaw felt wierd and seemed to have moved out of place, so a few weeks later i decided to go and see the doctor and all he seemed to do was poke my jaw and then wondered round his little office and then said 'Dysfunctional Jaw Syndrome' U have dysfunctional jaw syndrome. So i left the docotors in fits of giggles because of the fact that he had blatenly made it up!. And today i found that as i was bored i would have a look to see if this Diagnosis actually exsisted and to my suprise, it didnt..... My point proved! However i did find a syndrome that was kinda like it. Message to everyone Doctors are PHONEYS!!!! hehehehe
Betty versus The Doctors
Mwhahaha bring it on! heehee
~Scared of doctors now~ :'(
hi, my name is not actually anonymous its matt (remeber me? from laura's party and the occasional 45 pence exchanging hands as i take my break from work on saturdays and have to find some way to take out my anger by buying a sausage roll and devouring it!) but to the point these blogger people wont let me post on anyones blog!!!! i don't know why, but thats the reason for the name!!(or lack of it!) but BACK AGAIN to the point ~going off on a tangent is one of my specialities~ i just thought i'd say hi! so "HI!" : ) hehe, bye!!!!
Hi Matt, I remeber you!! do u know i see u most weeks while i'm at work and i have been thinking i know him from somewhere and then i thought it was u but i wasnt actually sure, so i am very sorry that i have not said 'hello' to you. You prolly think i'm just a rude ignorant person so i'm sorry about that deary!! Next time i will be sure say say hello as soon as you come in! you prolly wont read this anyway, but just incase you do you will understand... hehe
yeah, and the way those doctors made up those other diseases liek cancer! peddle yoru snake oil somewhere else. my lumpy testicle and i are fine the way we are.
sorry your jaw is all dysfunctional.
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